Special Olympics returns

July 7, 2021

Richland County Special Olympics (RCSO) slowing started back last month after a year and a half off due to Covid. The first two sports to start back up were bowling and golf. Softball will begin in mid-July. RCSO is starting to schedule games against other counties. 

Special Olympics has a new app for individuals, families, guardians, and providers that want to be kept up to date for RCSO schedules.  Install:  TeamReach (http://www.teamreach.com/) Enter code: 91285


For those individuals interested in bowling, we have reserved lanes at Lex Lanes every Wednesday from 4 PM-6 PM. Bowling will cost $2.00 per game and that includes shoes and balls.  This is just for fun and practice. The athletes just need to show up. We will have volunteers there to help assist throughout the two hours. This is not a league or tournament. Physical forms and releases are NOT required due to this not being a competition. 


For those individuals interested in golf, they can go to Twin Lakes at 5:00 PM or later on Saturdays and Sundays to play 9 holes. Golf is free by the individual telling them they are with Special Olympics. There won’t always be a volunteer there. If an athlete is interested, they should be accompanied by someone to help. The athlete needs to go to the clubhouse and tell them they are with Special Olympics. They will have the choice to play the front 9 or back 9. Physical forms and releases are NOT required due to this not being a competition. 


If anyone knows of a place where athletes can play bocce, let me know. The ground needs to be flat, and the grass needs to be extremely short. It could even be a turf field. We have the equipment, we just need a location.


For those individuals interested in softball, we are looking to start intrasquad scrimmages the second week of July. I have been in contact with Sterkel Park regarding our athletes playing their games down there this year. This is a more central location, and there aren’t any leagues going on at that time so the flexibility is there. More information regarding specific times and dates will come.


For those interested in basketball, we will have a season. We are looking at options for gyms. Our goal is not to have all practices and games at only one location. We want the same location for volleyball when that starts up next spring.


If there is enough interest in starting this back up, we would love to do it. I have 2-3 volunteers who are willing to help. Swimming used to take place at the pool at Ontario Junior High one night a week. We are hoping to get it back there again this winter.


This will resume next spring, probably back at Malabar. Open practices used to be twice a week from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. We will probably do the same times next year.


Like basketball, we are trying to narrow down one location. We hope for it to be the same gym as basketball. This will resume next spring.


We are still working on our website with Spire. The website will be a hub for everyone to go to get any information regarding schedules, events paperwork, how to get involved, etc. The group of volunteers are in constant communication. We meet in person here at Admin. once a month to discuss everything.

 TeamReach app.

  • This app will show the person’s name that signed up; however, it will not display their phone number or email. If you do not want your name shown, do not sign up.
  • People can direct message other coaches and Richland Newhope’s Manager of Community Education Special Projects Troy Smith if there are any questions, but they cannot directly message anyone else enrolled on the app.
  • It will provide instant updates such as notifying every one of last-minute changes: game time, location, cancellation, uniform, delays, and postponements.
  • Athlete and coaches’ availability is part of this app. It will show who can attend or can’t attend games, practice, meetings, or special events by sending out an availability request to your team. (We may or may not use this.)
  • Pictures are not to be taken on this app unless asked by one of the coaches or Troy Smith. If someone were to take a picture, the app is set where only Troy Smith can approve it or not.


Athletes will need to arrange their own transportation to these events unless they are out of the county. If they don’t drive, they should use providers, family members, or guardians to make sure they get to and from.


If you are interested in volunteering, contact Troy Smith – tsmith@rnewhope.org and he will include you in emails and meetings.


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